My name is Bella Lack and I am a 15 year old conservationist and environmentalist. I write my blog to engage others in issues that I feel passionately about, especially those related to animals and the environment. I hope you enjoy it. :)

October 14, 2018

The calf is ungainly, still too young to have grown into her limbs. She stumbles on her cumbersome feet and emits pitiful cries of hunger and confusion as she searches for milk. Her mother lies on her side, her leathery body drenched in the russet dust of the savanna....

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My name is Bella Lack. I'm a 15 year old environmentalist and conservationist. I write my blog to share my passion and love of the natural world and to engage others in issues that I feel hold great importance. I hope you enjoy it. :)

Call From The Wild



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